Thalasar Ventures

How to use Technorati WTF to generate traffic

Technorati has introduced a cool new feature that you can use for both link baiting and link building. WTF stand for naturally, “Where’s the Fire” (actually it stands for “What the Fuck” but they couldn’t actually say that) and it’s a simple one paragraph explanation of a technorati search term. How do you use this to build links to your site and manage your brand?

Here’s the search term earlymiser at Technorati. Please notice what appears at the top “ saves you a ton” with a blurb about it. This allows me to get my message about my site first since the WTF appears above the Technorati search results. Additionally Technorati users can vote on which blurbs are the best (ala Digg and Netscape) so get your friends involved.
The original and best purpose of is provide a summary of an meme meandering through the blogosphere. That the best and I think most effective traffic building technique for Technorati’s WTF. Here’s what you do

  • ->Have a Technorati profile
    You can’t play if you don’t have an account a Technorati, so sign up at Technorati.

  • ->Write a WTF for your site name and blog name
    This is helps control your message and your brand in the blogosphere. Make it succinct and accurate.

  • -> Monitor the top 100 searches at Technorati
    You will currently find that many of the top searches don’t have an WTF. So get ahead of the curve and do a little investigating. What are some of these things people are searching blogs for? Once you have a handle of the issue, write a WTF. But don’t just any WTF make sure you can drive traffic to your site.

  • ->Do a blog post covering the issue.
    The goal with an effective WTF is answer the question and perhaps interest the in the post. If you expect to get votes, answer the question simply and clearly. You have 2000 characters in a WTF but you should probably only use 750 or so to answer the questions. This is similar to Yahoo Questions in this regard. Make your answer clear, comprehensive and accurate. Make your blog post a comprehensive list of resources and links. It should be longer than your WTF. Your WTF should summarize the issue or item.

  • ->Don’t be too evil!,
    Extreme evil such as spamming Technorati, or simply spamming your Agcloco account all over the place is a bad idea and you will get banned.

  • ->When searching for WTFs look at related terms
    When searching for terms look what also appears in related terms. These will probably require a WTF as well if they are relevant to your topic but DON’T cut and paste. Explain how the term is related to your other WTF and perhaps link to it.

  • ->Keep the links to a minimum
    If you have outgoing links, please keep them to a minimum. If the issue you are covering requires a lot of links put them in the blog post and then succinctly summarize the issue and provide a link to your post.
    I think I have provided a pretty good set of tools for building your brand and links at Technorati. So please vote for my Where’s the fire posts and let me know about yours. Remember friends vote for friends Technorati WTFs.

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    2 Responses to “How to use Technorati WTF to generate traffic”

    1. WebmasterX says:

      That’s awesome! What has it added, $0.01 per day extra revenue? Quit playing in the minor leagues and do some real promotion.

    2. Ah I do “real promotion,” which is why my home page ( is Page Rank 7 and yours is 3. The point here is to get control your brand in a major blogging outlet and add additional visitors at virtually no cost.