Remember Check Your Robots.txt file!
May 8th 2007 Posted at Webmaster Tools
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When I launched Early Miser I simply copied over my robots.txt file from Best Buy Zone. This was a mistake. Hey this is one of my mistakes so let’s learn from it.
The robots.txt file was over 4 years old and included numerous exclusions. As I have stated before Best Buys Zone is an extremely brittle applications from my viewpoint. (Yes I designed the site 4 years ago). All caching is MySQL based so it hits the database especially hard. I have a single box serving it so this isn’t much of a problem. It was NEVER designed to be hugely popular merely explore the role of RSS in comparison shopping. (That said traffic varies between 2500-3000 visitors a day).
Because the application was more brittle than I would like; I excluded Teoma, Ask and Looksmart from crawling the site. I remember that Ask was an especially hungry bot and I was getting no traffic from in return. So no problem I thought, “It’s only a thought experiment anyway.” After letting the thing run for a few years now, when I got Early Miser ready to launch I then decided, “Hey the robots.txt file for worked great. I will use that one.” I had forgotten I had excluded a whole bunch of sites like Ask, Looksmart and Google Image Search. Looksmart with is looking like a pretty good source of traffic.
I didn’t really notice anything of course until I began using Google Web Master Tools. I had loaded up the robots.txt analysis tools and was looking at Early Miser’s robots.txt. Then it all came rushing back to me. After wandering why I was banning large parts of the web from indexing the site, I soon remembered why I had done so. After slapping myself on my forehead, I quickly corrected the issue since is a pretty robust application and has a much more robust caching scheme.
So the lesson here is pretty clear – Check your robots.txt file periodically. You need to compare it to any new bots that have arisen, so check your log files and the appropriate forums at Webmaster I probably wouldn’t have caught this if hadn’t been usingGoogle’s Web Master Tools so I always recommend that tool. I am interested in seeing how much traffic will be generated to now that looksmart, and other will actually index the site!
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