Coaching Tools – Tools to Tame Time
September 19th 2015 Posted at Webmaster Tools
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Have you ever noticed that if you have an hour to do something that will take fifteen minutes it suddenly fills the hour. You are not alone this happens to everyone so you must take steps to make sure that you do not fall prey to this challenge.
The same principle holds true in reverse. When you are about to go on vacation you do a weeks worth of work in one or two days. Or when you are faced with a deadline shorter than you think you should be able to make but must you always seem to get everything done.
This is the value of setting a time limit, creating a plan and sticking to your plan. Once you know what the challenge is then you can develop a strategy to overcome the challenges.
Set a Time Limit
Set a time limit for each task you are trying to accomplish. Break your projects down into smaller blocks of time anywhere from 15 minutes to one hour. Set a timer and achieve the task in the allotted time then take a sort break and move your body then move on to the next task.
By setting a time limit you ensure that you complete each element in the goal within a reasonable period of time. Any task will fill the time allotted for that task so setting a timer and accomplishing one task at a time in a set time frame ensures that you are efficient. It also gives you the chance to improve your confidence and faith in your own ability by celebrating each step on the way to completing your major goal.
Stick with Your Schedule
Make sure you stick with your schedule and don’t allow distractions to get you off schedule. Once you break your momentum it is far more difficult to get back on track. Place you goal in a position of priority in your mind and in the mind of those around you. Don’t let other people or situations distract you from achieving your goal.
The more you focus on the outcome of achieving your goal and the results you are going to get the more established the priority is in your mind. Focus on the results and make your goal a high priority.
When you focus on what you want to happen and what does work you will find ways to change the things that are not working now. When you establish a time frame for doing something you complete the project much more efficiently. All of this adds and builds your self esteem which makes you happier and more successful.
Go to and get Suzan’s free “Coaching Business Blast Off eCourse”. You can get tons more actionable information and tools from Suzan Schmitt: The Coach Marketer when you visit her blog at Suzan’s blog contains many valuable posts, links to courses and classes, and links to free resources and her FREE weekly teleclass.
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