FierceWireless, FierceTelecom, and FierceCable Announce Second Annual Fierce Innovation Award Winners
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WASHINGTON, DC (PRWEB) November 12, 2014
FierceMarkets ( announced today the winners of its third annual Fierce Innovation Awards: Telecom Edition. The Fierce Innovation Awards is an operator-reviewed awards program from the publishers of FierceWireless, FierceTelecom, and FierceCable.
Jason Nelson, Publisher of FierceWireless, FierceTelecom, and FierceCable, says, “As the Innovation Awards program grows each year so does the level of innovation we see from our entrants. To that end, we are thrilled to be able to offer applicants a unique channel to share their products and services with such an esteemed panel of judges from major global operators.”
Honorees were selected by an exclusive panel of carrier-only judges including Ralph Brown, Chief Technical Officer, CableLabs; Cameron Coursey, VP of Product Development, AT&T’s Emerging Devices Organization; Mattias Fridstrom, VP and Head of Technology, TeliaSonera International; Daniel Gurrola, Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, Orange; Andrew Ip, Senior Vice President of Infrastructure and Wireless Technology Management, Cablevision System Corporation; Ron Marquardt, Vice President of Technology, Sprint Innovation and Architecture; Dan Murphy, Director, Verizon Innovation Program; Tom Nagel, SVP and GM of Wireless, Comcast ; and Marci Saaijenga, Vice President, Technology Quality and Control Office, Cox Communications, Inc.
Judges evaluated submissions based on the following criteria: technology innovation, financial impact, market validation and end-user customer experience.
The five “Best in Show” Winners are:
Best Green Installation
Procera Networks, Inc.: RAN Perspectives
Best Cost-Saving Innovation
Guavus: CareReflex™
Best New Revenue Creator/Enhancer
Payfone, Inc.: Payfone Signature
Best Technological Problem Solver
Arbor Networks: Peakflow Threat Management System
Overall Best New Product/Service
Openet: Real-time Offer Manager
The Fierce Innovation Award Winners are:
Cable TV/Advanced TV & Video Networks:
Cable & Video Network Architecture
Edgeware: Edgeware Video Consolidation Platform (VCP)
Set-top Boxes & Related Devices
Sling Media, Inc.: Slingbox M1
Over-the-top Services
Kaltura: Kaltura OTT TV
Adobe: Adobe Primetime
Wireless Networks:
Next-Gen Deployment
Avvasi, Inc.: Q-SRV
Cell Sites
Nextivity: Cel-Fi Duo
Traffic Offload
Nitero: NT4600
Metrocell Backhaul
AOptix: Intellimax
Wireline Networks:
Data Communications
Guavus: CareReflex™
Ciena: 8700 Packetwave Platform
Last Mile/Edge/Access
California Eastern Laboratories: MeshWorks™
Data Centers
BTI Systems: BTI Cloud Networking Solution
Network Support, Software, Service Delivery
Conditional Access, Digital Rights Management and Authentication
Payfone, Inc.: Payfone Signature
Cloud Services
Voxox: Voxox
Service/Session Creation, Orchestration & Delivery
Stream: IoTx
Openet: Real-time Offer Manager
Network & Device Security
Arbor Networks: Peakflow Threat Management System
Network Test & Measurement
Procera Networks, Inc.: RAN Perspectives
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FierceMarkets, a wholly owned subsidiary of Questex Media Group, is a leader in B2B emedia, providing information and marketing services in the telecommunications, life sciences, healthcare, IT, energy, government, finance, and retail industries through its portfolio of email newsletters, websites, webinars and live events. Every business day, FierceMarkets’ wide array of publications reaches more than 1.3 million executives in more than 100 countries.
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