Thalasar Ventures

Building Your First Application: An Introduction to MongoDB

Nathan Zamecnik provides an introduction to building your first application using MongoDB. MongoDB is a document-store database featuring a dynamic schema, a…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

MongoDB is an open source, document-oriented database designed with both scalability and developer agility in mind. Instead of storing your data in tables an…

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14 Responses to “Building Your First Application: An Introduction to MongoDB”

  1. Phil Shpilberg says:

    This is really useful, thank you! Do you have the source code posted
    somewhere? That would be really useful.

  2. Lukaz Nejakej says:

    Hi Nathan. Thank you very much for your video course. It’s awesome

  3. Tomas Echeverri Valencia says:

    Building Your First Application: An Introduction to #MongoDB

  4. Antonio Cortes says:

    What is MongoDB? | MongoDB

  5. Prawee Wongsa says:
  6. Nguyen Ngoc Phuc says:


  7. Self Defense Man says:

    I am web scale and agile.

  8. Dick Mays says:

    Cloud ready, elastic, virtualizable… the definiiton of Webscale!

  9. Mark Starkman says:

    You forgot to mention that mongoDB is “Webscale”! LOL

  10. Alex Tahti says:

    Well, if a twitter post doesn’t show big deal, but if checking account
    transaction doesn’t clear or an options put gets lost, you are SOOL.

  11. ZeZeBatata69 says:

    Ya maan!! Its Webscale! Data integrity? duuude thats so 70s. not writing to
    disk and getting sweet microbenchmark numbers its how we roll son. deal
    with it.

  12. elizabeth moore says:

    My dad works at Mongo 🙂

  13. sprabu prabu says:

    i love mongodb