How not to buy a web site.
May 17th 2007 Posted at Uncategorized
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I occasionally get people making offers on a site I have done. I recently got one offer for Early Miser that was particularly funny and I thought I would share it.
These offers are always unsolicited and they almost always seem disconnected from reality. Here’s the email I got.
I work for a company called Cylon
We are a real company located in Scottsdale Arizona…our offices are at 8687 E Via de Ventura #209, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 and our office line is 480-368-2585.
We are interested in purchasing your website/domain from you. We can offer you $500, payable immediately. We can pay you via papal, credit card, wire transfer, western union, or mailing you a check – whichever method is easiest for you.
Let me know what you think. And thanks very much for your time!!
Well thanx for the offer. Please notice what is missing from this message – the name of the web site he wants to buy! When you have multiple web sites like I do, it might be a good idea to mention what site you want to buy. Additionally it doesn’t help your credibility when the name of your company is taken from a Glen Larson television show. Would you take a company called Knight Rider or Magnum PI seriously? But I wanted to give this guy the benefit of the doubt so I emailed him back
“Which domain?”
to which I received this reply,
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
TEMP_FAILURE: Could not initiate SMTP conversation with any hosts:
[ (10): Connection dropped]
Not very encouraging but at the same time they provided a phone number. I mean I assume that they wanted one of my domains so i gave them a call. When I called Jason was unavailable so I asked the secretary/phone person what domain they were interested in. They still hadn’t mentioned what domain they were interested. I have no idea why I was so interested in talking with them (Sometimes I get obsessed). She asked at what email address I received Jason’s email. She then told me, “”. I literally laughed in the phone and said, “Thank you but I am not interested.”
I mean why on earth would you make an offer of a few days revenue for a site? Wouldn’t bother to do your homework about the site? Based on the bounced email I can only assume they were spamming as many Page Rank 6 domains as possible, hoping people would bite. You couldn’t even get a PR6 domain for $500. This really is the worst possible way to buy a web site. You know nothing about the buyer’s expectations, the revenue the site is currently generating or it’s current search engine ranking.
When buying a domain you need to do your basic research about the site before making an offer.
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