Thalasar Ventures

Driving Theory Test Explained

All new drivers (including Motorcyclists) have to pass a two part theory test in order to be able to then take the practical test. The theory test has some slightly different questions for motorbikes but generally they are the same.

The test can be booked online or by phone and there should be a local testing station for the majority of people but you can find your local station online. The theory test itself is split into two parts the first part is the multiple choice questions.

For this section you will be presented with a series of multiple choice question to answer. The questions are presented on a touch screen and you will have to choose either 1, 2,3 or more from the list given in order to answer. As you proceed through the questions if you come across any that you are not sure about the answer to you can flag the question for review later on instead of answering immediately. The advantage of this is that as you continue you may come across another similar question which will help you answer the flagged question. The questions themselves are picked completely at random and so it is not uncommon to have several questions on the same subject and because they are worded differently they can give the answer or make it more obvious to other questions. On the test in order to pass you will have to answer a minimum of 43 out of 50 correctly.

The second part will then start after a short break which is the hazard perception part. In this part of the theory test you be presented with a series of video clips shown from the viewpoint of the driver and you will be expected to identity hazards appearing in the clip and then to click the mouse accordingly to show when you would react as a driver. You can score from 5 for early reaction to 0 for no or too late reaction. You will be presented with 14 clips and each clip will have just one hazard to find except for one clip which will show two clips and as you dont know which clip will be the double clip you will have to keep concentrating on the clips after you think you found the hazard. Make sure you are concentrating fully on this section as you cannot go back if you miss the clip or flag for review as you can with the questions. In order to pass this section of the theory test you will have to score a minimum of 44 out of 75.

At the end of the theory test you will be presented with the result and if you have passed this will include the theory certificate, otherwise if you fail on either part you will have to retake the whole test again. In order to practice fully for the test it is a good idea to use a theory test product that gives you all the questions and plenty of hp clips to get the best chance of passing.

James Cornwell is a Driving Instructor who has been teaching for may years and now runs a>theory test website for pupils to use to practice for their theory test you can visit it at

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